You are washing your hands regularly, maintaining social distance, staying inside and following all the govt issued guidelines. You assume you have done all you can to stay healthy but there are still some unhealthy habits that you are doing unknowingly and these habits have the potential to put your health at a lot of risk and danger.
Here is a list of potential unhealthy habits you might be involved in, look carefully and also try to rectify them.
1. Skipping Breakfast

Skipping your breakfast is considered as one of the top unhealthy food habits, breakfast sets the flow, breakfast gives you that boost of energy you need to take on your day. Without this fuel, chances are, you’ll just overeat later.
2. Avoiding fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet

It has become little difficult to acquire fresh fruits and vegetables from the market because of the lockdown but you still need to fill your daily dose of diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, look for foods that can last long and can be easily stored for a longer duration. Fruits and veggies provide your body with the much-needed nutrients that are required to boost your immune system and can protect you from various diseases.
3. Ignoring Hunger Cues

Don’t ignore your hunger cues, try to listen to these signals your body is trying to give when you get hungry. We know you all are at home and might get too involved in your work that eventually you skip on your meals but avoid doing this as it can hamper your health, look for smart foods which you can have ‘on the go,’ look for food which can keep your tummy full for a longer duration.
4. Poor Meal Planning

Meal planning is important, fix a schedule for your breakfast, lunch and dinner time and follow it regularly, also plan what you are eating and why, specify the number of calories minerals and vitamins your body needs and then add foods in your meal accordingly. Don’t include junk food in your meals, add more organic and nutrition-rich foods.
5. Binge Eating

While it is advised not to stay hungry for too long but this doesn’t mean you start overeating and consuming all the food at one go, it is an eating disorder and could lead to serious health problems that might last a lifetime. Weight gain and obesity are the common problems people face when they start binge eating. Planning your own meals will allow you to see how much you’re actually eating. This also prevents you from overeating.
6. Emotional Eating

You are having a bad day at your home; you open up your refrigerator and start eating your favourite flavour ice cream tub. Emotions, both positive and negative, can cause people to eat more than they should, this will disturb your entire meal plan and can also lead to obesity problems.
7. Not Drinking Enough Water

It’s always important to drink plenty of water, but this is especially true when you’re living the quarantine life. It is important to keep your body hydrated, this will boost your immune system and will also pride various other health befits to your body. The recommended daily intake of water for men is around 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) and for women it is around 11.5 cups (2.7 litres)
8. Late-Night Snacking

Eating late at night is quite tempting and all of us have done it at some point or other in our lives. The midnight snacking if done on a regular basis, can have a serious impact on your health which includes poor digestion, unhealthy weight gain, increased blood pressure, not just this it will also hamper your sleeping pattern which will further have its implications over your health.